About Us

Printables and More Club helps business owners harness the power of printables for growing their lists, building their stores, and creating multiple streams of revenue.

We provide PLR Canva templates in our store. These templates can be turned into printable pdfs that may be given away or sold as a personal use product.

Founded by Cait Blakley, the Printables and More Club has been helping entrepreneurs with their online printables businesses since 2020.

In 2023, the Club was purchased by Sherry Smothermon-Short, a multi-passionate entrepreneur with more than twelve years experience in the online space, who is excited to help you reach your business goals using printables.

PAMC runs smoothly thanks to Sherry's awesome team–Club Manager Tricia Barnes and Coach Corinne Schmitt. Kimberly, Kat, and Julie also help us out!

Find us on social media.

If you need to reach us, just pop us an email at hello@printablesandmoreclub.com.